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To make carousel work jquery.tweet.js file is used.

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  1. Insert a div with twitter class and twitter id to a desired location on the page: count: 3
<div class="pro_tweet"> </div>
  1. Next you need to configure twitter-widget to use your twitter-account. In order to do this you should change the user name in the initiasization script: username: "..."
  2. Then choose the number of tweets to display: count: 3

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  1. Open desired video on いきなり ステーキ メニュー
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  1. Open desired video on 入金不要ボーナスとは
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Two files are required for the player's correct work: jquery.jplayer.min.js and Jplayer.swf


<div id="jpId"></div>

Code Example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#jpId").jPlayer( {
    ready: function () {
      $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
        mp3: "/mp3/elvis.mp3" // Defines the mp3 url

You can see more information on working with JPlayer on the official website at reg

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You can learn more about adding Twitter Button to your website ネット カジノ 違法

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You can learn more about adding Google Plus Button to your website ビーベット

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You can learn more about adding Like Button to your website 888 カジノ 入金 不要 ボーナス もらい 方


  1. スーパー コンビ
  2. ムーン ライト ノ
  3. ボンバーガール 設定示唆

Choose icon color, size and shadow. All these parameters should be added to the style.css for ".pro_icon" or ".pro_icon_social" classes. Then add attribute data-icon="" to the icon you like (hover the icon to get it's class and data-icon attribute).

For example:
<a href="#" class="pro_icon" data-icon="a"> </a>
<a href="#" class="pro_icon_social" data-icon="l"> </a>

Font ジョイ カジノ ボーナス is used for the social icons.